Good Pop/Bad Pop

Episode 24 - Don't Mess with the Workin' Umbrella Team

M&T review Umbrella Academy, Workin' Moms, Pen15, Mystery Team and Don't Mess with the Zohan and judge Oscar films they haven't seen.

5 years ago

M & T chat this week's sexual harrassment episode of Brooklyn Nine Nine and tried to watch Plan 9 from Outer Space. They chat gaming news - are we getting a Borderlands 3?! M judges Oscar winners she hasn't seen. T reviews the oldie, Don't Mess with the Zohan and has questions. M obsesses over the AIM and racism episodes of PEN15 in her review, as well as reviewing Workin' Moms - can women have it all? M & T review Umbrella Academy (T thinks Diego is such a gryffindor) on Netflix and speculate on what could happen for season 2. They wind up with a review of Donald Glover's hilarious 2009 movie, Mystery Team!

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